The Scheme
Helicopter ownership and operation has a number of fixed and variable costs that are normally beyond most "normal" people so the scheme is set up to cover both of these aspects by sharing across its members.Fixed Costs
Fixed costs need to be covered whether the aircraft flies or not. These costs include the costs of insurance, the costs of hangering the aircraft, annual maintenance and the mortgage interest and repayments. Members pay a fixed cost per month each which covers these costs evenly over the year. Investors pay a lower monthly cost than zero investors.Variable Costs
Variable costs are costs that increase the more hours the aircraft is flown. These costs are the costs of fuel, scheduled maintenance (25 hour, 50 hour and 100 hour) and an allowance for unscheduled maintenance. Members pay a fixed hourly rate for the use of the aircraft which is around £200 per hour including fuel (+VAT).Savings vs Typical Self Fly Hire
If you are an investor and fly 1 hour per month you will pay approximately the same as Self Fly Hiring. Every hour per month above an hour represents very significant savings of around £200 per hour flown. So flying just 3 hours per month would give you a saving of c£4,000 per annum and even more if you are not able to claim back the VAT element of your helicopter usage. In essence the more hours you fly the cheaper each hour works out to, so estimate how many hours you are likely to fly and work out the savings. Download this excel file to see how much your flying style would save with this scheme.No Member Cash Calls
The really big difference with this scheme is that you do not own an equity share of the aircraft therfore if there is a significant unscheduled maintenance event there is no immediate members cash call with that cost recovered with a small increase in the on-going hourly rate spread over the remaining hours of the aircraft.So what is the Catch? There is no Catch. No Really!
This scheme will not be right for everyone, as you need to fly enough to make it worthwhile.All we ask for our non-investors is a 6 monthly commitment and provide a deposit. If you would prefer to become an Investor there is a capital commitment of around £8,000. If you fly 3 hours a month on average you'll repay your investment in 2 years and save c£4,000.00 p.a. for around 5-6 years until the aircraft needs to be rebuilt.
If you fly 50 hours a year as an Investor, you'll save much more over the life of the scheme.
Important Information
Helicopter Sharing Ltd. is registered in England and Wales Company Number 7532284. Our registered office is at Anamax House, Oxford Rd, Gerrards Cross - SL9 7BB. Our scheme offers a membership subscription club experience which allows suitably qualified pilots to fly our aircraft at rates substantially below typical Self Fly Hire (SFH) rates. This website and any associated links or downloads should be considered as simplified general scheme information only and do not represent any part of any contract or part of any particulars of any offer of scheme membership or general helicopter rental information. Please Note; Images and descriptions used on this website are for illustration only and should not be considered representative of the actual aircraft or current scheme terms and conditions - which are regulated by legal contract, available upon request.